January 20, 2014Batch plant layouts come in many sizes and configurations. Typical the overall layout design will be determined by the property layout and access to the local streets.
Zoned property for a Concrete Batch Plant is becoming more limited in size and availability as construction growth begins to pick up again. New Planning department guidelines and updated Building Codes has had a direct affect on the size and configuration of new batch plant sites. Plants are trending to be a lower profile configuration with limited property access in and out. No longer are trucks free to cross center dividers to turn into a plant, but now find themselves barred from crossing oncoming traffic to gain site access.
Once a mixer truck or aggregate hauler has reached the plant, drive access should be counter clock-wise keeping the driver on the same side as stock piles and driver controls. Batch Trailers need to be square to the daily operation reducing batchman fatigue of having to keep track of site truck traffic. Batch offices should be oriented to reduce the morning and afternoon glare of the sun.
Local concrete markets will determine the amount and number of on-site storage silos or bunkers. Delivery’s might be limited to non-communute hours reducing the congestion on local streets.
Concrete Reclaimers and washout area’s are trending to be located closer to the batch plant to recycle water into fresh concrete. Some States are requiring the on-site storage of process water include a 24 hour rain for a 100-year storm. This calculation is typically 4 inches of rain per square foot or approximately 120,000 gallons of water storage. Consolidating the process area to include the Concrete Batch Plant can minimize this process water storage requirement.