How A Local Contractor Takes On Bakersfield Airport Concrete Recycling Project.
April 10, 2012A local contractor was awarded the concrete demolition work at the Bakersfield Airport. A off-site portable plant site was located with several operating restriction because of its location to the sheriff department on one side and nearby residential area on the other. The Screen Machine 4043T Impactor and 516T Double deck screen plant was used for the project because of the variable size of demolition concrete. The SMI 4043T with its remote control impact lid, greatly reduced down time, by allowing the operator to remotely raise and lower the lid to eliminate any feeder plugging caused by over sized pieces. The SMI 516T Double deck Screen/Scalper provided the finished product of 3/4″ Class II material with or without the use of the 4043T crusher. Both units were on CAT track undercarriages which reduced the cleanup and maintenance time required for the operation.