April 12, 2016DHE Inc. Concrete Equipment provided a CON-E-CO AllPro 12CM concrete batch plant for the first phase of the new California High Speed rail project.
The plant will supply concrete for the numerous over-passes and bridges as the rail is placed in Fresno and Madera county’s. The plant is configured to charge both Concrete Mixer Trucks and End-Dump transfers for delivery of concrete to the project sites. The CON-E-CO AllPro 12CM is modular built Central Mix Concrete Batch Plant based around the aggregate and cement core module. The overhead aggregate bin, cement silo’s and water weigh batcher bolt onto the core section of the plant. The mixer legs bolt into the front of the plant reducing the seismic design loads. The AllPro12CM flexible configuration allowed the producer to layout the central mix plant and drive over grizzly in a area 14′-0 X 150′-0″. The plant is owned and operated by Outback Materials, and expands their current Ready-mixed concrete market area to the west of Fresno. By incorporating the CON-E-CO 12 yard tilt mixer, Outback can provide increase quality control and production for the High Speed Rail concrete mixes.