New Design Cement Fill Pipe 90's

June 29, 2021

Advancements in Urethane technology is now being applied to Cement Fill Pipe elbows that have been apart of the Concrete Industry since the early application of delivering cement via pneumatic bulk truck.  4” and 5” steel pipe 90’s were used only to have the abrasiveness of cement blow a hole in the 90 under regular use.  4’-0” sweeps have become the standard for batch plant manufactures to increase the life of the fill pipe.  Today urethane manufactures are creating a “bulb” to create a material-on-material wear increasing the life of the connection points.  The WAM EXTRABEND short radius Pipe Elbows is a new product that also provides the entry of cement into a silo.  At this time the WAM product only comes in 2”, 3”, and 4” sizes. 

However the concept has been around for a long time. The pictures below show 5” Cast Steel T’s being used for a high production concrete batch plant.  By using T’s instead of 90’s, the flowing cement will self-pack the end of the T as the flow direction changes 90 degrees.  The self-packing creates a material on material wear point prolonging the fill pipe joint

 Cast 90's for Fill Pipes   Cast Fill Pipe 90's vertical