CON-E-COCement Silo 400 BBL to 1,100 BBL Stationary
400 BBL to 1,100 BBL Cement Silo
Legal 11'-11″ Wide x Legal 13’6″ Tall – Silo constructed of 3/16” and 1/4" ms.
CON-E-CO PJC300 Cartridge Filter Dust Vent
High and Low Level indicator (lights by others),
Silo handrail and ladder with cage.
Silo Structure with 3′-3″ clearance to grade.
Seismic design and construction.
Production range 400 BBL (1,600 CuFt) to 1,100 BBL (4,400 CuFt)
Price from $42,000.00 - $165,000.00 Plus applicable steel surcharge in effect.