24-Hour Sustainable High Production Concrete Batch Plant

DHE Inc. recently completed a High Production sustainable concrete batch plant in Southern California.  Although High Production (400+ yards per hour) plants have been available for many years, sustaining that production rate for a 24-hour time period has always been the challenge.  Working closely with the customer, DHE Inc. & CON-E-CO designed and installed dual CON-E-CO SLP concrete batch plants that allowed the recovery rate of material to be greater than the rate of producing concrete ready-mix.

The flagship operation of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Company is marking its first year of service to downtown Los Angeles by exceeding all production expectations. Steve Lode, President of National, says the dual-alley Vernon plant routinely exceeds 500 yards per hour of concrete production under the tightest of tolerances. "A year out, our customers are very appreciative of the Vernon facility," says Lode. "It’s proven to be a high-production facility with great material versatility.  We have the ability to store about 5000 tons of live aggregate on site and the capability to house 10 different aggregates at any one given time and batch 10 different aggregates at any one given time."  One year later, that ability has proven itself a useful attribute to meet the tight production schedules of construction projects scattered across Los Angeles. "The Vernon plant can indeed fill all raw material storage at a much faster rate than can be batched," says Lode. "At the end of several very large production days, all materials remained topped off during the day, eliminating the need for extended hours to receive and recharge materials."  The automated system also allows for easy night delivery of materials of reduce hauling during the most congested traffic times of the day.